Monday, October 31, 2011
happy spooooky halloween
This got me thinking about some good halloween costumes, some of which I witnessed this weekend. Nik and I throw a big old halloween party which again ended with a bathroom debriefing around 3:30 AM. This wasn't because anyone was sick, but more just a chatty chat ritual. That dry ice fun was totally worth it. We had some amazing costumes, including a little HP, some strange cat with tin foil, Sookie (although we got no HBO retweet), the walk of shame, and a miss understood former beauty queen:
Other noteworthy costumes I ran across this year include:
Creative, but Pixar sooo is gonna sue you. Perhaps you should stick to something hot and spicy
Man, this piano playing man is totally blowing my mind. You just made this 24 hours of travel day for me. I'm gonna tip the shit out of him.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
political season, let's start the drinking games
I enjoy politicks much more when I create drinking games during the speeches. Like when BO says "Hope" everyone takes a shot. Like when Perry says "Brother" to Cain you take a sip of your beer. You can set up your own, and maybe check out these ideas for some inspiration.
Since it is the getting close to the intense politicko season, let's quick do a review of the most noteworthy drinking game:
Case and point #1: Sink your battleship and my liver in one great game
Case and point #2: The worlds larger beer pong game, where I'm positive that the big ball of death in the sky will warm all the beer before you can consume it.
Friday, October 28, 2011
your nose is a turtle
But I did you ever notice how the nose is a little like a teenage mutant ninja turtle??? Well if not, there is a new website you should find some time to peruse. I like their website tagline:
- "God is the artist. I just find the ninja turtle in his work."
Yooo Biggie. They call me big poppa. Ahhh.
What nose ninja is....or something yoda like with all the words mixed up.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
picture of the day
I'm like a bridge over troubled wattttter....
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I'm kranky and have 100 dildos
When you know you don't have much time left, it's important to know that your home, condo and extensive sex toy collection will be left in good, suddenly confused hands. Oh, what, you think this is weird? Well what was he supposed to do, leave them all to that stuffed crane? You can't just abandon an entire warehouse of expensive, finely-crafted rubber penises, and he already tried giving them to charity. This is for the best — those fake dicks belong with family.
Monday, October 24, 2011
midnight sun takes my breath
Sunday, October 23, 2011
halloween rock athnem
Not surprising that this song is making the Halloween themed rounds in suburbia:
Nice work residents of some overpriced neighborhood. It's like, why wait till Christmas time to waste energy and exponentially increase the electricity bill. Let's get our creative juices flowing early and start celebrating the fall season with a little pop culture flare.
You have to admit this is pretty badass. Who has the time to design this shit??? I like it.
**Except when I go to the movies and see those fat, stupid chipmunks in horrible outfits dancing with robots. This telemarketing completely misrepresents the a-mazingness of my favorite boxy car. This makes me not want to buy it when the plastic pinto, knock on wood, passes on.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
tis the season
Let's break it down:
- Wow, way to use the bottom of the pumpkin in new creative ways. I'll never look at a pumpkin in the same I only see a butthole.
- I keep thinking about this song where "I need a place for both hands, handz, handzzz." Which then makes me think about OBX. Which then makes me think about pooting and tooting and booting it.
- That's what she said: "I'm just doing it until I earn enough money to move outta the pumpkin patch"
- My only job as a father pumpkin is to keep her off the pole and out of clear high heels (insert Chris Rock fav joke of all time).
- $1 bills, what cheap bastards. Let's get some $5 up in here to make me holla.
- Shear thongs are the best.
- That isn't a pumpkin, that is someone with an orange tan from Jersey Shore. Nailed it.
Friday, October 21, 2011
sewing fail
- I definitely want to be thinking about "my baby" and "cancer" in the same sentence.
- WE GOT CRABS. That doesn't even make sense.
- Anyone notice the green 69??? What the hell is that doing there?
- I don't know shit about astronomy but this is a fail is so many other levels.
- Perhaps we should put this baby on some medical marijuana to counteract the nausea of the baby chemotherapy.
- Despite the good sewing, this is the worst telemarketing ever.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I just mentioned this...
Monday, October 17, 2011
my weekend VA delight
Sunday, October 16, 2011
first time I've seen this
Friday, October 14, 2011
french inhale
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
let's play: fill in the blank
Take a look at the picture that surfaced this week of the CA Governator going back to his muscle building, roid taking roots. Let's all brainstorm this age old question: What is Arnold Schwarzenegger thinking? Arnie is thinking _____
- The Situation looks terrible!
- That tan has be to all natural
- I wonder where they keep the maids around here...
- He could probably kill me with those thighs
- Ah the good old days when peach-colored bananana hammocks were acceptable
batman and bill cosby
Wow that is the best interpretation of BILL COSBY I've ever seen. Forget Batman, Ted has his Cliff Huxtable impression down to a science. That whole slow moving dance that looks like he is taking a poop. Remember how the Cosby Show used to redo their intros each season? It was always a dance party amongst all the actors where good old Bill would look alot like this little batman:
Yep, perfect. Batman and Bill, uncanny likeness.
snow white vs. snow white
Case and point #1: Costume Snow White
This version has Julia Roberts and classically funny man Nathan Lane (are you ache'n, yes yes yes, for some bacon, yes yes yes) and Lily Collins (from Abduction who's costar was Taylor, who also costars with Snow White part 2--see below for more of hollywood's seven degrees of separation).
Julia plays the evil queen in a wicked awesome red dress. I mean I like this costume but I'm not sure it is evil enough. Warm fuzzy white feathers and beautiful red satin. Just don't show us that big teethy smile, because that would totally ruin the whole "evil" thing we're working on here:
Also, Snow White puts on some costumes that I'm not sooo excited about. She goes to a ball and instead of bringing her 7 blue collar dwarfs, she decides to wear the iconic swan dress Bjork wore to the Oscars back in the day.
Costume Snow White sporting a swan:
Bjork sporting a swan:
From what I can figure, Costume Snow White is going to be over the top with everything. Fashion, and colors and furniture. The next photo shows the evil queen in a wicked full dress and a golden chair. For the record, I totally owned one of these chairs in my last house. Nik made me sell it though during the last did take up the entire living room. You'd think a gigantic chair made of gold would have been something the Goodwill would have embraced. I mean who doesn't want to sit in solid gold:
Case and Point #2: Badass Snow White
The second version of Snow White is a little more badass. It stars KStew, our favorite twitarded actress, who works with that wolf, who dates that other Snow White with the swan on her head (see totally 7 degrees of separation). From what I can figure out she is a sword wielding, armor-wearing badass. They've been filming in England on a beach, playing with horses and frolicking on the beach:
Wow, the badass version clearly has no fancy balls or swans or elaborate dresses. Instead Snow White's clothes are falling off, she's completely water-logged, and apparently has become a horse whisper:
Here horsey, horse! Luckily, Snow White and the Horsemen version has a white horse. Maybe it will have a knight with shiny armor that will ride bareback down the beach. That would be great, especially if he has blonde hair.
The badass Snow White also has a wicked looking queen who's going to stab you with her knife. Look out she is wicked and does not wear white feathers.
OK I'll admit, I'll probably go see both the films, reviews dependent!
Monday, October 10, 2011
just sticks in my head
Saturday, October 8, 2011
I'd like you better if you were british
I liked your come on let's get higher song back in the day. Actually I bought your entire album. Your new song sticks in my head. But in all honesty, I'd like you better if you were British and could speak to me with a little accent that makes my lady business melt. Yes please:
Also, I find your new facial hair a little McCreepy. It doesn't quite fit your face. Maybe it would go with some bad teeth if you were british. I'm just sayin'. You could be more like James Morrison, that soulful sexy brit.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
human of the year
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
you got served in your own dance party
You know that saying...."behind every good ____ is a ____" well I'm pretty sure that during this video the following applies:
- Behind every good women is an infinitely cooler little brother
managing office space
Now I think I'm pretty creative in my office space, but this is wickedly inventive. For reals, impressive business. Let's break it down:
- Stacked ikea-piece-of-shit desks
- Tiered trash cans--no bitch, put your trash in your own can!
- Sizable seat-age, be that via a ladder or ergonomic chair with no leg room
- Room for folder organization
- Easy access to the white board
Next time you want to complain about your job, just remember, it could be worse. Now get back to you work!!!
forget online dating
These were the good spontaneous times, where we would wander around the great city of Raleigh, which I still cannot properly pronounce (shocker). During these nighttime wanderings we'd step into basement bars to get picked up by drunk lesbian arm wrestlers, or hang out on a rooftop bar social inter-coursing with bartenders about how to make cilantro infused martinis.
On these trips, we also learned the international signal for "muddling" or jerking off, AND discussed the plethora of signage we would pass that encouraged local dating throughout the countryside. D thought I should call these local numbers for a good time. But for reals, who wants to date some hillbilly in northern North Carolina??? RAISE YOUR HAND!
Although I was not on board with those dating signage, however I am completely enthusiastic about this roadside telemarketing campaign for sex:
And don't call you bitches, I only accept some s/texting (you know sexy texting). I mean why even waste your time on dating, let's just get right to business and offer up the fast swimmers. This guy is clearly not shooting blanks. Quick, someone google where the area code "512" is!?!?!? Let me know if this is a possibility because I'm allll over it.
Wow, way to put it right out there. And wow, way to use different colors markers whilst making your signage, that is pretty impressive. No beating around the bush either in the message, not buying dinner or drinks. Just some straight up, get-you-knocked-up telemarketing whilst on the drive home. I like it.
Update status: I found Mrs. Bling
Anyways, for years now I make fun of Mr. and Mrs. Bling Bling because all our weekend conversations go a little something like this:
- LL: "Watcha do this weekend?"
- A: "Ran some errands"
- LL: "I need more information"
- M: "We ran lots of errands like blah blah blah blah"
Well today I ran across this picture of the day and couldn't help but think about how this is probably Mrs. Bling Bling multi-tasking during her plethora of weekend errand running:
She is tracking her grocery list online through some milk cartoon program that makes people more sane, whilst talking to Mr. Bling Bling on the phone (who subsequently is ordering the purchase of more pizza rolls), whilst trying to figure out whether to buy organic or fat free yogurt, peach or blueberry. If only she had a smart phone so that she could also update her status on facebook and tweet me that we need more COWBELL in a dairy section.
Also, I think this lady is at Target, hence the fire engine red cart, which is a frequented errand-running-arena for my favorite friends.
Monday, October 3, 2011
halloween inspired by ace ventura
ASSSSHOLEOMEEEA!!! All I can think of is this pet detective scene of greatness:
Wow who knew that Hallmark was totally ripping off classic 90s movies. Na, none of the tweens these days would even know what it meant....
Saturday, October 1, 2011
it's been one of those weeks
Case and point #1: Learning how to walk again and drive with my left footsies
I have been prone to ankle sprains for over a decade and this last spring was no surprise when a spikey pine cone of death look all 6 feet of me out. I was on the ground before I even knew what had happened. Then during a later spring hike I tweaked it again. Since then apparently I have been walking funny or at least in a way that has irritated my old stress fracture from 2002. Same foot, same bone-like-area. Now I can't put pressure on my front of my foot without pain and there is no way I can push up or stand on my toes.
Is this why I stopped doing yoga? Yeah that could be a subconscious reason. And now I don't get to work out for a month. That makes me happy.
Here's my new accessory for the month of October:
God, isn't that sexy? And those pasty white legs...grrr! I've been workin on some good stories to go along with it. Bar fight? Sword fight injury? Got any other ones I can use???
The exhausting part was I walk uneven now, which means you either don't move or you are pretty sore by the end of the day. Damn muscles you don't typically use. And crawling out of the plastic pinto, all 2 inches from the ground, really blows. Plus I have to wear a tennis shoe instead of my beloved flippy flops.
Case and point #2: Butt plugs for your eyes
This week I had my annual eye doctor appointment, and I really hate people touching my eyes. Due to side effects of my lupie drugs, I have eye complications and they have to absolutely rape me with every test in the book. I only do afternoon appointments so I can go home and start drinking afterwards :) Better yet, why wait till afterwards?
The last two years I had eye plugs put in, which I call my eye butt plugs. This blocks the duct from my eye to nose and thus keep moisture in my eye balls. They completely numb your eyes (like your teeth at the dentist) and then shove butt plugs in your eyes (it's fun). Turns out the plugs are expensive and don't stay in for me, so this week they announced that I should have them soldered shut. HOLY BALLS!!! You want to sew my eye ball ducts? That beyond freaks me out.
Yeah I may need a week to process that business before making a decision, I mean I just got put in a moon boot, OK? How much can one girl take in a week relating to health problems? Well apparently all could be butt plug free though.
Tomorrow's a new week, one which I'll still be adjusting to my new life as a cripple.