Saturday, October 29, 2011

political season, let's start the drinking games

Well we have officially entered political season, that means the GOP primaries are in full force. The politicko signs are up around town, the email and television ads are going, and things are about to get CRUNK for the rest of us.

I enjoy politicks much more when I create drinking games during the speeches. Like when BO says "Hope" everyone takes a shot. Like when Perry says "Brother" to Cain you take a sip of your beer. You can set up your own, and maybe check out these ideas for some inspiration.

Since it is the getting close to the intense politicko season, let's quick do a review of the most noteworthy drinking game:

Case and point #1: Sink your battleship and my liver in one great game

Case and point #2: The worlds larger beer pong game, where I'm positive that the big ball of death in the sky will warm all the beer before you can consume it.

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