Sunday, August 1, 2010

I'm a baby "supporter"

So I'm at the just over quarter part of my life where everyone I knew is popping out babies and reproducing the world. Good, someone should be working on that, because a good number of the rest of us aren't (i.e., my sisters, Helga, Jilly Bean, etc.). I try hard to be a good "baby supporter" especially when they come in sets of twos or threes.

Back in the day, I was the official supporter of those amazing twins in WA. I miss the Sharpe family and running around the house with Kyle and Andrews making bubbling noises with our tongues (yep Scott was super happy I taught them THAT). And every once and awhile I get a picture text of the new set of twins, saying that they miss "the giant," or I get an email inviting me to a drunken weekend golf outing where the grand prize is winning one of the 4 children under the age of 5.

Luckily, I've been able to replace those twins with a set of triplets here in Cville. Yesterday, some friends and I offered up our stud babysitting abilities so that my friends could have a hot afternoon date away. They claimed they went to a movie, but I still think there is a possibility that they just went around the corner to sleep in the minivan. All went well, filled with much laughter, outfit changing to our enjoyment, and developmental training. We were all about speeding the trips through their learning schedules....we got music in, walks outside, tommy time, while keeping everyone feed and diapered. We only had one explosive number two, which ain't bad.

Let's ignore the fact that I look like poo but here is one of those McCuties strapped to the girls. Admittedly, it took two Ph.D's and a M.A. to reorganize and figure out how to swap the trips to my girls, but it all worked out:


  1. thank you for being a baby supporter!!

    (and you have an entire blog category for "the girls"??)

  2. Yes yes, I do have a category for my girls. I also have categories for "holy balls" and "yes please" and "douchery" and one you might appreciate "twitarded."

    PS, your everyday life exhausts me :)

  3. What do you mean "back in the day". Sheesh long live the GIANT!!!!

  4. Amen brother! It's not like I'm shrinking or anything :)

    I remember when we threw a party at your house and you were holding a twin and having a shot with another hand! Aaaah the memories.
