Tuesday, August 17, 2010

batman for president

If I was still young and impressible (which I'm not, I swear, that whole 3 AM swimming thing was totally my idea), I would have totally considered this during election season:

BATMAN (say it in the raspy voice) would totally be a good sheriff, then he could work his way up to president. I'd totally vote for Batman, Ron Bateman on the other hand, I'm not sure so sure about. This is brilliant vandalism, and may actually help this candidate.

I once was "arrested" in high school for "stealing" election signs. Of course I was not actually convicted on any of the terms, didn't have to remove my shoe laces, or didn't have to smuggle any drugs in. Once I was pulled over, the officer looked in my backseat (which was stocked with about 50 election signs) and said "there better not be any sheriff signs back there." He also asked if I had anything else in my trunk, and in the spirit of full disclosure I said "there is 100 rolls of toilet paper." If BATMAN was running for sheriff, I so would have stole that sign.....(back in the day that is).

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