Wednesday, March 31, 2010

there is still something about these stories

I'm taken some crap from my friends and family for being addicted to two stories the last year. Really folks, it hasn't even been a year that I've been reading and following the HP and Twi stories. I'm not proud of it and I'm not nearly as bad as people think.

But I had a moment recently where I realize there is a reason that these two stories speak to me. I can relate to the story lines in many senses. Tonight I was listening to the last HP book and there were a number of lines that I wanted to write down. I was cleaning and packing and secretly searching for a pencil to remember the quotations.

There something about a group of people (Twi, cringe) who cannot go in the sun, who are constrained by a force in their life that they did not chose (nor deserve). The fact that your choices are taken from you and you are forced to life in a way that are against your nature, I can relate.

Than there is HP, where a character is marked by death. Again, not by choice but because something happens in your life that is beyond your control. Something that unfortunately affects your friends and family, although you would give anything for it not to. A story about life and love above all other things. A cause, a cause you fight for above yourself and above things in your life. Something that means more than your everyday existence.

Shamefully, I'm that adult reader. It still means something to me, though I'm secretly wishing I could go back....


  1. Don't be ashamed! Be proud! Your fellow HP and Twi fan :)
    p.s. I once dressed up as HP and went to the movie theater... I didn't tell my friends, so when they arrived at my house to pick me up they were quite surprised, hahaha!

  2. OK well I've NEVER dressed up at a movie theater. But I have got to events to watch the other people dressed up!

    Wait, you dressed up at HP? Or Hermininininie? Good work either way!
