Sunday, March 28, 2010

shakin it up a little

Well a much needed girl's night out was scheduled in the absence of a group HH this weekend. We got out, we shook it up, and came away with some good stories. The highlights:
  • That same old dude was tearing it up, consequently wearing about 4 shirts. I didn't even like wearing one thin one!
  • It was an odd group of east coast douches, including some drunk girls that were already dancing on the bar at like 11 PM. Really?
  • One pick up line we experienced: "Hey, can I dance with you?", "yes", "where do you live in town?" Really? Really? You think I'm going to tell you where I live???? How about the state of VA, is that specific enough for you?
  • This particular guy continued with "I live by Piedmont, and went to school there for 3 years but quit" OK, again, white dude, I think you need to work on your pick up lines because I'm seriously NOT impressed with the fact you went to a 2 year community college for 3 years and then quit. For christsake it is like 1 AM....I can't take this shit.
  • At some point I was dancing with some dude and could smell something fruity on him. I asked "are you chewing watermelon Bubblicious gum???" Seriously, that is some potent smelling gum :) I think the guy was probably thinking, OK this girl is not drunk enough if she can smell the flavor of gum radiating from me.
  • T and I both noted how polite and gentlemen-ish all the men were, asking to dance, asking to touch, asking for drinks. It was like the good guy's night out in the big Cville.
  • T and I hit up my favorite bar (sushi and the best martinis) in town for some pre-bootie-shakin drinks, and afterwards ran into two of our HH guy friends. We both exchanged awkward glances when they asked what we were doing.....hmmmm, no judgment please.
  • Needless to say it was a good time and some great people watching like normal :)
Saturday I attended UVA's Dance Marathon where two of my friends were volunteering and dancing. This event raised money for the UVA Children's Hospital and was so poorly attended during the hour I showed up, that I got to jump in the gigantic blow up truck. I sort of had a small shit fit about the fact that blow up things seem to break in my presence (case and point the two exercise balls I used to own before they popped) and how upset I would be if I broke the bouncing thing before all the sick kids arrived. But all went well after I squeeze my big body through the kid-shaped entrance. Anyways, it was still fun and I made a good donation to the kids (FTK--for the kids).

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