Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I'm an art owner

Well I suppose I've been an art owner prior to now, I guess, if you include drawings little children make me when visiting their classrooms :) I guess I do have a great canvas I bought below the Eiffel Tower, and some watercolors I did over 10 years ago. BUT as of this coming weekend, I will be an official, real, art owner and I'm so excited I could pee my pants.

One of my favorite artists, and good friend, has finally decided to sell me one of my favorite canvases that was dubbed "Leslie's painting" the last three years. I called dibs years ago and luckily someone richer than me hasn't snatched it yet. This weekend it is arriving in Cville and being officially hung on my wall.

The title is "In A Lonely Place" which I'm not sure I like. I would like something more like "ass kicker" or "floating in a red sea," etc. I need to put some more thought into what I'm going to call this painting. BUT this series is so great, and drippy, and abstract, and shear amazing. I can't wait, check it out.

This is first big purchase that doesn't include computers or cars!!! I'm an adult now.