Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An HP update

CRAP!!! We are getting closer to the end of the HP movies series because just the other day they officially filmed the final epilogue for the last HP book, the one where they are old!!! This just makes me sooo sad. Remember, all the talk they were going to use the CGI technology from Ben Buttons to do this scene. I'm not sure that really happened based off these pictures:

Click to view full size image

Harry and Ginny as parents. We even got some good glimpses of their children too. They were filming in Kings Cross underground station, and some luckily fans were able to be around the station and steal some good pictures. If I was in London (some day soon, we can only hope), I would have skipped work and tried to sneak my sexy ass in. Here's hoping that final fight scene is just as amazing, and I heard they just filmed Snape's death scene awhile ago and he was great...of course it was great, it's Alan Rickman, who can talk that British accent to me anyday!


  1. well, guess i should have read that last harry potter before reading this... :)

  2. Well yes I suppose that was a spoiler alert, but it all honesty you are probably the last person on earth who hasn't read through books :)

    Sorry to screw with you!
