Friday, June 25, 2010

something in happening in my world this week

Something odd is happening in the world of LL this week. I'm not sure I can put my finger on it yet but here are some of the weird things occurring:
  • Thursday night a 10 minute tornado/tsunami/wind storm hit Cville which brought down trees and reaped havoc all across the city. I almost was blown off my feet whilst running to my car, which is not an easy thing to do since I'm a giant.
  • Why are VA-ians such bad drivers??? Do you people not know to make all stop lights 4-way stops when the power is out??? Seriously. You all are dangerous drivers too when you yield on the acceleration ramps and don't let others in.
  • Hank-abeth has lime disease. Ticks. Gross. Poor guy.
  • The other night I got to T/D/C2's house, popped a bottle, poured a pint, took a sip, and realized that wasn't wheat/wit was wine. Great, now I have a pint of white wine. Alcoholic.
  • After the conference, I got into my office on TH morning to what felt like a sauna. Turns out the AC broke, tripped the heater, and all day it was about 90 degrees. Seriously, it was hotter than balls in that office.
  • On Wednesday I got an call that there was an earth quake in MI....but apparently most people couldn't feel it since it centered in Cananananada. I could fart and probably create more movement than the state of MI probably felt. Why is it during earth quakes that everyone blames the fat guy?
  • No power in cvile = no work on Friday! Yes, please.
  • I was surrounded by too many nice of people at my DC B&B, who I secretly wanted to punch in the face for their smiles and nice questions and "friendly" stares. I'm turning into an antisocial American.

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