Tuesday, December 29, 2009

the trip back to VA

Order of operations for today's trip back to the big VA:
  1. Make sure 40 pounds of ham fits into the trunk
  2. Eat pancakes and 10 pounds of ham
  3. Pee at every other rest stop due to massive amounts of soda and coffee
  4. Eat more fried food
  5. Take a poo and text Ma "I pooed"
  6. Snack on homemade loaf'o bread
  7. Text terri every landmark to make sure she is jealous we are 4 hours ahead of her and Mark (also driving back to DC)
  8. Take a turn driving the silver bullet, thus giving a good reason to turn the vehicle stereo to Harry Potter audiobook instead of Stookie fang banger BS (driver rules).
  9. Laugh till it hurts when I miss gears because betty is distracting me while shifting.
  10. Reaffirm that volvo drivers suck my balls.
  11. Make it to DC, only to unload and head to the bar....
  12. Drive to Cville and discover there is STILL tons of snow in town, roads are dry through.
  13. Stop to get fruit and veggies at Giant on the way into town.
  14. Discover the 40 pounds of ham made it successfully to Cville.
  15. Confirm christmas tree is generally dead but the plants survived.

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