Wednesday, December 2, 2009

anyone who hasn't slept with Tiger, raise your hand?

Well you would have to be living in a hole the last week to NOT know about the Tiger Woods drama which has continued to unfold since Thanksgiving night. Tiger Woods crashed his car a block from his house in his super secure neighborhood. He hit a fire hydrate than crashed into a tree. It was reported that he was barefoot at 2 AM, and that his wife had to break the back window with a golf club to get him out (really the wife had a golf club ready to break the window when he could have crawled into the backseat and opened the door?). He was taken to a local hospital and then he locked him and his family in their house, refusing to talk to the authorities and/or media.

From the very beginning I said, well hells bells there is wayyyyy more to this story than is being reported. Then the rumors started to fly with all these women coming out of the woodwork to say "I slept with him" or "I sexted with him" or "I had an affair." The guy continued to deny everything until shit hit the fan this morning. Finally some hard evidence surfaced including real voice messages which unfortunately for Tiger, cannot be doctored like text messages or emails.

That is when Tiger basically fessed up and released a statement about how people should stay the hell out of his business. I remember when I used to put pictures of Tiger on my bedroom wall and how I used to believe that there were partners that didn't cheat on their significant others. Damn Tiger, you should have taken the Dave Letterman route--confess and get out in front of the story.

I've been thinking of some new headlines for Tigergate:
  1. Mulligan?
  2. Not out of the woods yet.
  3. Tiger's birdies.
  4. (there has to be something with lions, tigers and bears---leave in comments!)
I can honestly say I have NOT slept or sexted with Tiger. I'm one of only a few apparently :)

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