Well I realized yesterday that I must have some type of wicked sense of humor. Seriously. I got a package at my door yesterday which I thought might have been a flaming bag of poop. Turns out it was a goat bobblehead. One word for that small gift: AWESOME!!!! Who the hell doesn't want a goat bobblehead? (insert my hand raised pointing to my own head).
And while setting up my head bobbling goat, I noticed that it went well with my hulu man (insert "hoca loca he-key com on I wanna lay ya"), hulu woman, bobblehead pirate (insert "arrrrghhhh" winking eye and hook shaped finger), pirate figurines, budda figurines (insert "RUB MY BELLY"), and jelly bean pooping bears. Seriously??? I must have a wicked sense of humor for my family and friends to always randomly send me these types of gifts. I love them all.
Let's see if we can find a common theme here: bodily movements? half naked men? yes and yes. Do we know any other themes of LL's everyday life??? You can leave your creative answers in the comments.....
PS, thanks for the agreeing goat G, me loves it.
Swearing. The ability to talk like a drunk sailor is a significant part.