Thursday, August 6, 2009

twitter goes down

So you may have heard today that Twitter, the popular 140 character (or is it 180?) texting via a website social networking piece o' shit, went down today. Yep the entire site was hacked and was offline for a number of hours this morning. The Tweeters were all bent out of shape about this...because you know they might have had to pick up a phone or put their hands on an actual keyboard in order to communicate with people in the world. This must have been a big inconvenience to use all their fingers instead of just their thumbs, or to have to hold a phone to their ear. Yikes!!! That must have been a tough 2-3 hours.....I just can't imagine.

Meanwhile the rest of us were able to make it through our was tough, but somehow I was able to do it :)

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