Thursday, January 21, 2010

more pirates please

So many of you know that I have a slight obsession with pirates, of course this was before the entire world caught that pirate bug the middle of the 20-teens. Has anyone noticed on the world's pop culture addiction has now transferred to vampires??? Hmmmm, what will be next? I'm hoping for goats.

Anyways, I loved the first pirates movie because it was random and funny and just my type of humor. Then they made the second more blockbustery one, which was OK. The third didn't really do anything for me. Plus Johnny Depp is suppose to be a low budget movie actor and now he is doing amazing big movies like Alice in Wonderland. Anyone else excited for the creepiness that will be this movie?

But I digress, they have just announced that there will be a fourth pirates movie!!!! It will be called "on stranger tides" hmmmmm I wonder what that means. Someone leak a copy of the script please. They are going to be filming in Hawaii which is a really good thing because I read that their tourism has dropped with the ailing economy.

Arrrggggghhhh, insert pirate noises.

1 comment:

  1. I think Angels are poised to be the new vampires (see Legion for example).
