Wednesday, January 27, 2010

abduction in Cville

So in October a young college student from VT was in Cville to attend a Metallica concert. Rumor was she was completely drunk, wondered out of the arena, and was never seen again. The town went on lock down and was doing searches in the woods and offering money for anyone who had seen her or were able to find any trace of what happened. I would run by her memorial on a bridge right by my house and the arena.

Well 3-4 months later they have found her remains on a remote farm outside of town. There has not been a positive confirmation that the remains are hers but they are sure enough to announce it to the media, per her clothing and such. Sad news to a bad story.

Perhaps a good reminder to always be careful and try to be alittle more safe around Cville!


  1. Yeah yeah I'll admit that is something I make sure happens more frequently, and not walking alone at night, etc.
