Wednesday, May 13, 2009

the damn donald

So the Donald and his hair, showed up for a press conference yesterday in support of his future bride Ms. CA. She started off her reign by switching her causes to support anti-same-sex marriage. Then it came out she had been dating national douche ball, Mr. Phelps. Next some topless photos were released of her. So of course the Donald had to step up his game, host a HUGE press conference, to address this issue:

Really? Donald? "If her beauty wasn't so great no one would care?" Is that why I cared, it was because she was blonde and pretty.....yep Donald, you nailed it.

I couldn't give two shits that she "modeled" topless, because for christ sake she walked about in a string bikini on stage! She practically was already topless during the original show! But of course she is a christian.

I did like how only 2 people chapped at the end.....and I like how she says "I've remained silent on this topic for 3 weeks." Yeah right. I also like when she said "I'm not an activist or anything," well good thing you cleared that up....I like the "or anything" part.

Here is another great Olbermann commentary---

1 comment:

  1. EXACTLY! Mr. T. We ARE in the 21st century! Stay out of our bedrooms and leave religious hocus pocus to the church and leave the state out of it! Marriage/Civil Unions is NOT only a religious issue; it’s a legal one too! Separation of church and state - get it right already!
