Saturday, March 5, 2011

I really don't mind a little Romeo

Wellll I just heard about an official new club for old(er) men. You know, those crazy old batty ladies have their red hat(ers) club where it is hen party after hen party. Momma B is the official Queen B of her MIzzz club and I have a pink hat for being under 50 (and proud of it). But the men, they don't really have any club or cool organization to call their own. Enter, ROMEO. Can you guess what is stands for????
  • Retired Old Men Eating Out (ROMEO)
(insert obvious LL joke, mohahahah)

ROMEOs are popping up all over the country. These retired guys just go to a diner and drink coffee and hang out and probably bitch about their wives. Sounds GREAT!!! They kind of already have this for Poppa B but it has a different name, that frankly in my opinion isn't nearly as fun as ROMEO. Mr. B, you definitely need to start one of these and come up with a name like "Hard Hat Botherhood" (see above website).

I don't know why I love old people so much. It probably has something to due with my kickass dirty grandparents and good old friends in WA who swore at me at church. I can't wait until I'm retired. It's going to be a blast (even though the girls will be in my shoes or missing).


  1. Better than JULIET


  2. Good one! I love acronyms....especially when you start with the word and try to fill it in from there.
