I swear, most men in pop culture right now are sooo angry. If it isn't Mel Gibson and his heavy breathing, it is Christian Bale yelling at random people (ps, now I try to reply to people with "oooh good for you" as much as possible). You all need to take a deep breath and go take it down a notch (perhaps by your own "drug" of choice, of course).
Well the new addition to this pool of men is Charlie Sheen. He has been bordering on a good crazy for years now, but has really taken it further this week. Charlie did an interview where he talked alot of crazy and then joined Twitter to vent his spleen (ha! that is close to sheen). This, of course, is the gift that just keeps giving. Now we all can follow this semi-normal rants. For about a week now, his sayings have been trending including my personal favorite, #tigerblood. Yes, I too have tigerblood pulsing throughout my body.
Of course the internets have put together some pretty amazing records of the rants of these angry men. I'M WINNING!!!! Check it out:
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