Wednesday, February 2, 2011

parking lot movie

Sooo we've been hearing some buzz lately about a new documentary coming out that was filmed for three years in good old Cville, called "The Parking Lot Movie". The movie is about a famous parking lot near the "corner" or what is also known as the epicenter of drunken UVA douchery. Here is one of the film's descriptions:
  • "Over the course of three years, filmmaker Meghan Eckman tracked the comings and goings of a solitary parking lot in Charlottesville, Va., chronicling the lives of the attendants who were working there. This inspiring documentary is the result. Hanging tough as they navigate the range of human emotion -- from hope to frustration, from a sense of limitless possibilities to stagnation -- the film's subjects embody the pursuit of the American Dream."
I watched this (streaming live on Netflicks) last night and thoroughly enjoyed it! There were many times that I was laughing out loud, like when the hipster attendents would ask for 50 cents and some bitchy frat guy or middle-aged alumni dad driving a $50,000 Lexus with a pink popped collar would argue with them. Seriously? I think their point is that while idling to be a dick, you just wasted more than 50 cents in your gas guzzling gigantic car.

I've parked here before, and on principle always ALWAYS try to be nice to all people (of varying status, colors, genders, etc.). I never knew that it was known to be a philosopher post, where people would go to think about the larger world. As one of the attendant's said, "This is my job, it's not what I do". Ultimately, most of the attendants move on to bigger and better things, and some jobs are just a stop on the way to that. My favorite quotable line was:
  • "What if Rosa Parks drove a car?" Orrr better yet, what if it was an SUV? What if she never got on that bus?
Things to think about this hump day.

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