Monday, February 9, 2009

I smell trouble

So Chris Brown and Rihanna didn't show up during last night Grammy's (both were up for awards and scheduled to perform) and there were rumors that the LAPD were looking for Mr. Brown. Turns out he is pulled an Ike Turner and had a little domestic abuse against his 20 year old girlfriend, Rihanna. Chris is only 19 years old!!! You are a little young to start slapping around your significant others. Rihanna hauled off and called the police on your ass!!!! Good thing too!

It isn't even take 12 hours before Chris Brown's sponsors started pulling their support....this wasn't some week long wait like Michael Phelps experienced. Wrigley's gum (how is he sponsored by them?) has suspended him and his commercials! I wonder if he kicked Rihanna around like he is this pack of gum......see the video below:

And PS A-Rod supposedly has admitted to being on roids too!!! Crap can't these people keep themselves honest. Seriously.

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