Thursday, June 18, 2009

BO has cat-like reflects

Wow, watch BO kill a fly out of the thin air. I swear, he has some cat-like reflects and kills the damn fly with his bare hands....beware folks! That is just crazy

Flies aren't the only things getting injured around DC....apparently Hillary took a fall yesterday and broke her elbow!!!! And not too long ago, supreme court nominee Sotomayer broke her ankle!!! For christ sake, can you people just be careful!!! Take some calcium and try to build up your bone strength....all the women in power being being injured one by one!


  1. Sotomayor breaks foot, now it is Hillary. It seems like some republicans have been practicing witchcraft and voodoo on Obama's administration. I would not doubt that Karl Rowe is behind it all. Evil people indeed.

  2. Obama kills a fly and everyone goes wild. I catch flies in my have while they are in-flight. I have killed flies while on my arm/ leg/ back of my hand/ stepped on a couple. So what is the big deal about your BOY killing a fly? BIG DEAL

  3. You know, GWB may not be able to pull flies out of thin air, but he did dodge that flying shoe like a champion :) I'll give you that.
