Soooo it is just Inauguration FEVER across the country and especially in DC. I have friends who know people who are renting out their DC homes for $10,000 for the next week!!!
Places of employment are shutting down, schools are suspending classes, and people are more excited about this inauguration than any other.
In honor of this FEVER, Ben and Jerry's ice cream has announced a new flavor....can you guess it??? "Yes Pecan!" Well at least it wasn't Barroacky Road!!! Mohahaha.
And my Ma is sending warning articles about RIOTS at the Inaugural that would be fun. If I were there, I would sit at the bar and watch those stupid people fight for their coats and jews. More booze for me!
I'm sure there will be more madness to insure throughout the next week. I can hardly wait!
I heard on the radio that Penn State's Ice Creamery has a flavor called Baracky Road...makes you feel a little less original doesn't it? :)