Wednesday, July 1, 2009

DTW does not need more scandals

I grow tire of the scandals and shady politicians in Detroit. If it ain't Kwame Kilpatrick having sex with tax payer money, than it is their city council members taken bribes. Monica Conyers, the wife of a MI congressman and someone fairly outspoken on the council, resigned this week after allegations of taking bribes from some local businesses. What an idiot.

The FBI has been all over her business and she apparently only took $6000 in bribes. Well crap lady if you are going to go to jail and get caught, at least pull a Bernie and make it worth your time. You just ruined your name and your career for a 6 grand, when your husband could probably fart that much money in one day. Seriously, you're a dumbass.

You better stay off the streets of DTW because people are tired of your loud mouth:

"You ain't my daddy"
Oh shit she just called hime "shrek"

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