Saturday, March 7, 2009

herpes on the raise

So apparently herpes is on the raise, not only along grandparents due to the advancements of magical blue pills, but also with emerging adults due to their rapid use of beer pong. Really? We've linked herpes to beer pong....sounds correlational. I guess there is herpes just sitting around beer pong tables and wanting for unwilling, and probably drunk, college students to pick it up. It couldn't be that college students are more sexually active these days with multiple partners?? Nope, it has to be the beer pong.

I'll admit I haven't played a good round of beer pong or tip cup in over a year. I'm woefully out of practice, and phhhh that probably means I don't have herpes. But I would like to encourage other beer pongers to have a water bowl where you clean off the ping pong ball every go, you know if it has fallen on the ground, etc. That is just beer pong etiquette and probably a way to get the herpes off as well!

In the beer pong spirit, I've looked up one of my favorite videos of some MI folks with one of the best beer pong set-ups I've ever seen:

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