Sunday, August 7, 2011

the world needs more whistling

I have a love-hate relationship with whistling. My bff and longtime lover-pants is an "extreme whistler." She invented this annoying past-time over 10 years ago. I think it was retaliation for cheerfulness in the mornings, so instead of talking to me she with whistle with a rapid pace at high volumes. So annoying.

Anyways, I was thinking about whistling lately because the new Britney Spears song keeps getting stuck in my head:

This got me thinking of other whistling songs, and the historical significance of these. For example, there is the classic "woot woot" whistle made famous by those testosterone-fueled construction workers. This was made into a catchy rap sound a couple years ago, which also sometimes gets stuck in my head:

Lookin good, and it's time to whistle at her....there ya go!

All this extreme whistling also reminds me of the movie Kill Bill. I went through a phase were I was just whistling this tune in all places, including the grocery store aisles, during classes, etc. This sends shivers down your spine as you think of naughty nurses and extreme judo chops:

And finally we need a little throw back to that Disney classic, Snow White and her little people with a range of emotions (you know--happy, bitchy, doppy, sassy). They all like to whistle, and apparently when you exercise this in an extreme fashion it makes your day go quicker. This might provide evidence for while we all should whistle while we work (in Louis's version):

Need other whistle tunes??? Well don't forget when you are sitting on a dock, when there are two of you, or when you're thinking about the golden years.

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