Wednesday, August 3, 2011

we all can't live in the flintstone's house

Can you name any Hollywood couples that are still together? They don't exactly last too long. But one which has stood the test of time has been the Fresh Prince and his teeny tiny Queen. His famous line: "Welcome to EARTH" bitch.

Well anyways, we know the Smith-Pinkett family has been branching out and showing all their hidden talents. Case and point, Jaden can judo chop the shit out of you. While his kid sister, Willow will take one of your eyes out with her hair wiping back and forth (and for the record I'm still worried she is going to have neck problems longterm).

Now they are showing off their home, not for an episode of Cribs or Extreme Cribs, but for architectural digest magazine. In these photos we learn that there is another less-known older son. We need more information please, who is this kid and why doesn't he have any skillz I know about. Also, we learn that this talented family is actually living in the Flintstone's old house:

Seriously, I can see Barney as the neighbor and Fred/Will stepping out to yell "WILMA/JADE". I guarantee they are not driving cars that are self-propelled where you have to run underneath.

Well Yabba Dabba Doo, folks. Now go make another million dollars...

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