Wednesday, April 20, 2011

this year we walked in the rain

Well Saturday we all hauled our sexy booties back up to #DC for this year's Walk for Lupus Now. M, B, and I were up before 7 AM to cook our balls off. There was coffee and eggs and "beef, it's whats for dinner" aprons, and fun with red cops-and-robbers bandanas. We had a slight mishap with the plastic pinto that AM, but we are just going to pretend like that didn't happen. When we got into the district and the sky promptly opened up. We were completely soaked to the bone for the next 3 hours. Despite this, many people still came out, including a good number of Lupies from my group:

Damn we're a sexy bunch of people. My little grass roots team TOTALLY kicked ass raising about $23K, killing last year's record of 13K. Holla! Last night I was back in DC for meetings, had got a round of applause and some flowers for all our hard work. Truly inspirational.

McBetty told me that her boss, who consequently is married to a high-up at HGS, got a couple good jabs in for that fact that my Lupie team was beating their corporate team a week before the walk. After that they picked it up and basically stomped on us donation-wise :) But as McBetty and I said, it's not like they haven't done a TON this year for Lupus, you know getting a drug to treat it through clinical trails for the first time in over 50 years. We all thank you, HGS!

THANK YOU! THANK YOU for your continued support. It means alot to me and to this community.

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