Well it has been raining here for what feels like a week. This morning I finally woke up to no raining coming down in sheets!!! That is the first in 4 straight days. So please preface this post knowing that we have been running in and out of the rain for days, slowing making me slightly kranky....
Yesterday we had a great morning where betty took wrong turn after wrong turn and tried to kill me in her little silver bullet about 4 times (not that I'm truly complaining but strictly an observation). My favorite part was when it was dark, rainy, and we took a sign in the middle of the woods that said "Washington DC, 1000 feet" when we were technically already in DC, it made us flip a bitch in the road and go back into the woods. Entertaining I tell you.
But I digress, we ran a ton of errands all morning, including me buying a 20 pound bag of halloween candy which I may have ate half of yesterday afternoon (and for those that don't know, this is very unheard of for me and put me in a slight sugar coma which I attempted to dilute with much wine later). We came back home and made betty's famous jambalaya and cheesey bread. It was amazing. I stayed in my floor bed all afternoon (see betty's facebook page) doing some art projects.
Eventually we did have to move and go to the Bluegrass BBQ even with all the flower arrangers with cankles. We got ourselves all looking good, took Naula's damn box, and headed for the flower lady's hotel. We got there but couldn't find Naula (even though I saw her in the lobby and she walked away from me), so I left her box at the front desk. We had planned to follow the buses to this house on the Potomoc, but of course the DC traffic lights had a different idea. So within 5 blocks in downtown DC those 2 f-ing buses hit every green light and betty's plastic pinto hit every red one. As betty said "those two buses took a right turn and up n' vanished like a fart in the wind." It was like the bermuda triangle for tour buses right down by the Capital. This was not a good way to start the night....
So we lost 2 buses in the rain at 6:30 PM on a Saturday night in downtown DC (this really shouldn't have been that hard), and before we knew it we were in Virginia when we wanted to be in Maryland. Thank God Betty stopped to get gas because we probably would have been running on fumes at this point, or I would have been pushing in the rain. So I was assigned the task or trying to figure out Betty's blackberry (which I secretly hate....although it might not be a secret now because I was swearing at it all night....my fingers are too fat!!!) to navigate us to some rich area in Maryland that is on the Potomoc and overlooks Mt. Vermon. Reminder, constant rain sucks my balls.
Breaking mid-blog-post news: I just took a great poop and got my first cup of coffee of the morning.
Well we get there just as those damn buses are arriving, so that was good. But then we have to hike through the non-paved driveway and yard of his house, watching my heels sink into the ground while getting soaked. We get into the house, and without giving what I would call inappropriate details, Betty and I didn't have nearly as much fun as the first night. The BBQ was GREAT and the Bluegrass music was really good. Other things weren't as great, but you'll have to call for these details.
Needless to say, we got out of there later and was relieved to get back home in my floor bed/nest. Today we promised that we would take Naula and Ger shopping this afternoon, so here's hoping that will be a good experience.....then it is back to Cville tonight!
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