Wednesday, January 11, 2012

whos the drunkest

Let's think about where you've lived in the these United States? Go ahead, take a moment. How many you got? Mine are split between the reds and blues and represent bi-coastal states. Which states have the highest binge drinkers??? Check it out:

Nice work you drunk Badgers, Cheddarheads, and Packer fans. I mean, it is soooo cold there you have to drink, and then eat cheese curds. Long live the land o' Leines, my favorite beer of all time.

So what is binge drinking? Well apparently those lab-coat wearing weenies define binge drinking as "five or more drinks in a short period of time for men, and four for women." Sure sure, women can't hold their booze. I know. It's because we are typically small. But what we really need to do is define what is a "short period". Two hours? Six hours? 20 minutes? I can do it all. Trust me.

How does your state(s) stacks up in alcohol consumption? If you're in WI you probably can't answer this because your are far too drunk to read. Or perhaps you are already passed out on the floor if you're from Tennessee or South Dakota. I mean what happened there? Did you forget to vote? To stop drinking enough to pick up your phone and talk to the CDC? Yeah I know.


  1. Really disappointed in the Cali numbers. Based on my personal history, I'm much more intoxicated here than in WI or MN. I guess peeps were probably too busy smoking and snorting to accurately report any sort of numbers.

  2. Well you just keep working hard Helga to being those Cali numbers up. I'm putting this squarely on your and Snoop Dogg's shoulders for the next round of CDC numbers.....
