I've been watching former-Alaskan-governorator/former-VP-candidate/current-family-road-tripper/current-media-whoure as she begins her bid for presidency. She has been traveling up and down the east coast in a big bus eating pizza and making up history. Although she won't yet admit it, this road trip is scheduled to end in DC in January 2013.
On this amazing media tour/family vacation, Palin has been wearing some jewelry which is begging for alittle LL fashion commentary:
Case and point #1:
In the words of Simmon, what the bloody hell is that? Seriously, I saw this picture (without the paint doodling) and thought, 80's much? How many bad necklaces can one person put on? Less is more lady, not sure you know that yet in fashion and in politics. Those fake pearls go great with those vampire repelling silver chains and jesus cross.
Case and point #2:
Wow, another jesus cross! You're just shouting religiosity. I have one question though, did you steal that from a pirate? From the Vatican? From the crown jewels vaults in London? On another note, what the hell kind of fake/crushed fur jacket is that? I bought one of those once for a pimp-n-hoes party during Halloween. It cost me about $10 and looked great with my crunk cup.
Case and point #3:
Well this jewelry selection is a little more confusing. Apparently, one necklace is the key to your heart while the other is the star of david. The six-point star is a frequent choice during your media blitzes, and I don't get it. What lock does that crown key open? Inquiring minds would like to know.
And finally, case and point #4:
This looks like something chunky I would wear, except I'm 6 feet tall with a personality twice that size. I can pull off (or so I think) chunkiness, you however look as if you strung some crystallized dinosaur poop to your neck. Are the shapes geographical? You betcha, one piece is Africa, and another is the shape of Russia I see from my back porch. True story, she never admits when she's wrong.
Well I do hope your bus, which has your name the same size as the constitution, decides to start campaigning this year. Frankly you are just too much fun to disappear from the politick scene. Palin, always good comedic value.
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