I don't look that good on the beach. My pasty white Lupie body hates the summer, and therefore is only all about long walks on the beach when there is a constant cover of cloud. I tend to pull off more of the hobo chic beach attire, you know where I have layers upon layers like I'm living out of a garbage can and hooded up like the unibomber.
Why do these people match plaids? I just don't get it. And on a sidenote, where I'm from we buy our clothing with room to grow into it during the winters, and tend not to paint it on! Those guys need to beef up in those plaid button downs.
I bet if we could see their feet there would be penny-loafers without socks! Sorry I missed that. Now I'm going to go put my mother's pearls on and start my effortless day.
Holy goodness I'm happy I discovered your blog. You are a riot!