First, I think Chewy is pretty normal. I like big hairy/harry people. I also like people who know when to shut the hell up, or who talk in their own language (insert my favorite noise). See Chewy is either quiet or grunts, and both are fine by me.
B, what if when you are high you see things like Chewy? Totally could happen, or so I hear. It is possible after you have smoked your own teeth you might also see Chewy walking through your backyard in Montana.
Thirdly, did Chewy pose for this baseball ad? Or was this at a real game I missed? I vote for Chewy throwing more opening pitches. OR maybe (here's hoping) Chewy is a new member of a baseball team and plays regularly. Sign me up bitches.
D, is the new Meth slogan "not even once"? Again, I think this more confusing that effective. Maybe that because I don't do drugs. Riiiight I'm not the target audience. Got it.
So in conclusion kiddos, take it from your Aunt LL: say no to drugs but not to Chewy (and one last time for good measure, click here and then on the face). The world needs more Chewy.
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